- list of products which exclusive distribution rights you want to defend with our help; Based on the data provided, we are going to write an optimal work plan. Next will be a thorough search on the Internet for links to the free download of books listed on your list. The detected links will be noted in the table for further processing. Example: |
Следующий этап работы состоит в том, что нами формируются сообщения, содержащие найденные ссылки на скачивание и просьбу об их удалении или блокировании доступа к скачиванию. Такие сообщения будут незамедлительно отправлены руководству пиратских сайтов, файлообменников и форумов. Unfortunately, the administration of sites and various file does not always maintain the policy of compliance with the Copyright Law. In this case, there is often a tendency to ignore the complaints from the copyright holder. In order for you to monitor the progress to protect against the illegal distribution of your products, we will compile a report table and will constantly update the information in it. Reporting table data are marked as follows: - the yellow is highlighted in the link, which is at the processing stage (a message has been sent with a complaint); Example: |
For your convenience, it was possible to monitor the update of the table online using Google Docs.